Rick Maurer, author of Beyond the Wall of Resistance and other books on leadership and change, developed the Energy Bar™ as a free tool to help people in organizations get their ideas across in ways that get people committed and engaged. RickRick has advised leaders from many countries on ways to apply this new tool successfully.


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A Proven Checklist for Holding Successful Planning Meetings

A Proven Checklist for Holding Successful Planning Meetings

Engaging people in planning meetings is all about energy. Some things you do might provide a spark that ignites passion and commitment. Other things can sap potential positive energy from the room within minutes.

One key to successfully getting a change started on the right foot is to use meetings effectively. Too often, so-called planning meetings are passive. People sit in the dark while the meeting leader shows them slides. You need meetings that are alive. Noisy. Meetings where people want to jump in and do the work.

Here is a list of actions to consider when holding a planning meeting. By the way, I have seen successful meetings held by ten people as well by three hundred. But what the small and large meetings had in common was they adhered to many of the ideas on this list.

  • Invite representatives from all groups that have a stake in the outcome of this change. When possible, invite everyone. If that’s not possible, make sure all groups and interests are represented.
  • Consider using a planning group made up of many diverse interests to help you plan this meeting. This will help you see things you might miss. Plus, you are getting some people engaged just by planning the planning meeting.
  • Pre-assign seats so that each table of eight to ten people is a maximum mixture of the whole. Every table should be a microcosm of the entire organization. Each table should include various departments, interests, and levels of the organization. Do not allow people to sit wherever they like. You need diversity of thinking, experience, and professional interests.
  • Allow plenty of time for conversation. Don’t try to speed things up. Good conversation is a cornerstone of an effective planning meeting. Make it active.
  • Emphasize conversation, not presentation, except for an introductory presentation that sets the stage (and even that might not be necessary), don't make speeches.
  • Before getting reactions to a presentation, make sure people are clear about what has just been presented. Ask for questions for clarification. If you miss this step, people will be responding from their assumption about what they think they heard, rather than responding to the actual idea.
  • Invite resistance. The creators of Real Time Strategic Change and Whole Scale Change developed a simple technique. After a proposal is made, each table is asked to respond to three questions: What makes you glad about the proposal? What makes you mad? What would you like to add or change?
  • Tell people how you will use this information. And then keep your promises. If you say you’ll get back to them within three days, don’t miss that deadline. In fact, the sooner you can get back to them, the better.
  • Be honest. If some items are not negotiable, tell people, and tell them why that’s so. Don’t pretend that everything is open for discussion if that’s not the case. You may take some heat for this, but it will be far better than acting like you are open to being influenced when you are not.
  • Consider using an unbiased facilitator even for small planning groups. A good facilitator can keep things moving, or slow things down when that’s needed. And a facilitator can allow you to be an active participant.
  • Stay awake. Meeting agendas are merely road maps. Actual driving conditions will vary. If it seems clear that people are resistant to something, take time to explore what’s in their hearts and on their minds. I have seen good meetings disintegrate simply because the leaders felt compelled to get through the agenda in spite of what was occurring in front of them.

Next Steps.

If you would like more help with facilitating planning meetings, download the eBook Dealing Effectively with the Seven Challenges of Major Change.