Rick Maurer, author of Beyond the Wall of Resistance and other books on leadership and change, developed the Energy Bar™ as a free tool to help people in organizations get their ideas across in ways that get people committed and engaged. RickRick has advised leaders from many countries on ways to apply this new tool successfully.


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Double Teaming as a Way to Keep Energy High


Energy is key to building support for our ideas including major projects in organizations. I tend to look at energy on a continuum between resistance and support. It is always alive either working for us or against us.

Recently, I was exploring some ideas with an executive, and she said,  “low energy is a barrier even bigger than money, lack of time, system challenges, vendor problems or whatever obstacles that we may think influences the project.”

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How Do You Avoid The Avoidable Mistakes With Major Projects?



I am beginning a series of posts on ways to easily avoid unforced errors – and I could use your ideas. I’ll explain at the end of this post.

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Why Can't They See This Project Is Really Important?


When we think about tough challenges company leaders are likely to face, we might think of slumping sales, falling stock prices, high turnover, or a public relations crisis. All of these issues can be detrimental to a company. I’ve been wanting to dig deeper to learn what else is keeping today’s leaders up at night. So, recently I gathered a group and planted a scenario to uncover what they were facing today. 

Here’s the scenario.

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Leadership Success Story: Restoring an ill-fated major capital investment



What do you do when you’re the leader of a company and a major capital investment isn’t turning out as planned?

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Why Energy Can Make or Break an Executive Team

Why Energy Can Make or Break an Executive Team

If you’ve ever said, “Our executive team needs to be aligned, engaged, more focused on critical tasks, or just get along better,” you are probably talking about energy. It can be working for you or against you.

Any team needs energy moving in the same direction in order to do its work well. But, this is a special challenge for executive teams. In addition to all the things that can drain energy from a team’s work – competing priorities, lack of direction, personal issues, and so forth – an executive team has one huge additional challenge.

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