Do you have a presentation coming up? Google just made it easier to engage with your audience.
Too many presentations are dry one-way affairs, with obligatory Q&A at the end of the drone fest. Here is a very simple way to turn a dry presentation into a conversation. Google Slides now allows people in the audience to ask questions using their handheld devices. The speaker receives these questions in real-time.
This video shows Shree Bose, winner of the first Google Global Science Fair, using this tool with kids and then talking about her own reaction to it.
As explained on the Google blog, Shree's audience submitted their questions and then voted on the ones they wanted her to answer. At the end of her talk, Shree left time for Q&A, but she couldn’t possibly answer all 170 questions. She sorted the questions based on audience votes—and responded to the top ones.
It seems that the tool may not allow people to post questions and comments anonymously, but still I think it is worth considering. And since Google Slides is free, you might want to give this a try. (BTW, sadly, I have no financial interest in Google’s success).