Rick Maurer, author of Beyond the Wall of Resistance and other books on leadership and change, developed the Energy Bar™ as a free tool to help people in organizations get their ideas across in ways that get people committed and engaged. RickRick has advised leaders from many countries on ways to apply this new tool successfully.


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If Then? versus Now What?


Interested in getting things accomplished at work?

If so, you and I can learn a lot from people who take exercise seriously. The New York Times Magazine (6/3/2018) included a short piece titled Creating a Concrete Plan for Success. Researchers found that:

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Commencement Speech and Level 3 Resistance



This past weekend, Ben Bowling, this year’s valedictorian of Bell County High School, said, “This is the part of my speech where I share some inspirational quotes I found on Google.” “Don't just get involved. Fight for your seat at the table. Better yet, fight for a seat at the head of the table.’ — Donald J. Trump.”

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Double Teaming as a Way to Keep Energy High


Energy is key to building support for our ideas including major projects in organizations. I tend to look at energy on a continuum between resistance and support. It is always alive either working for us or against us.

Recently, I was exploring some ideas with an executive, and she said,  “low energy is a barrier even bigger than money, lack of time, system challenges, vendor problems or whatever obstacles that we may think influences the project.”

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The Ultimatum: Improve or Shut Down


A leader was assigned to a plant that had serious quality problems. Things were so bad that their products could endanger people’s lives.

The customer used a green-yellow-red system to indicate where this company scored on a number of critical quality factors. The customer’s assessment of the plant was that it was red or yellow in all areas.

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People's Trust In Institutions Is Pretty Low In Most Countries

People's Trust In Institutions Is Pretty Low In Most Countries

According to The Edelman Trust Barometer, “People’s trust in business, government, NGOs, and media remained largely unchanged from 2017 — 20 of 28 countries surveyed now lie in distruster territory, up one from last year. Yet dramatic shifts are taking place at the country level and within the institution of media.” (https://www.edelman.com/trust-barometer)

The United States had a 37- point drop in all types of institutions. China, in contrast, had a 27-point gain.

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