Beyond The Wall of Resistance

Beyond The Wall of Resistance
Companies that don't change die.
Change is everyday corporate life. Companies of all sizes are facing ongoing challenges - plans for cost cutting, restructuring, new technology, quality improvement, new products/service – and resistance is a huge roadblock.
This real-world guide shows frustrated managers how to build support for change and stay competitive. Practical approaches with new case studies show how to deal with resistance in a way that retains strong working relationships while achieving successful change.
Why 70% of Changes Still Fail – and What You Can Do About It
Have you experienced a reorganization or merger that didn’t work?
A new software system failure before it got implemented?
A major project that ran out of steam for no good reason?
If your answer is yes to any of those questions, you know that 70% of changes fail – -you’ve lived it – and felt the consequences on the bottom line.
In this change management book, Rick shows why so many changes still fail – and more important, he shows you how to avoid the pitfalls that can kill new initiatives.
“. . .provides sage advice for dealing with change during these unprecedented and challenging business conditions.”
“. . .the insights and guidance Rick shares in this book have proven to be extremely helpful in understanding and dealing with the predictable challenges that leaders encounter. His approach works!”
“A unique achievement! Resistance to change is treated with the respect it deserves-and Rick Maurer reveals the great power and leverage that come from embracing resistance. A welcome and important contribution to our understanding of the process of renewal.”