1:1 Consulting often includes:
How to use The Energy Bar™ to assess the support or resistance that you can expect from important stakeholders.
How to bridge the gap between the energy you are likely to get and the energy you actually need.
Debrief things you did at work that either worked surprisingly well – or surprisingly not-so-well.
Practice what you plan to do with an individual or group. This is an opportunity to try something out. Get my reaction and try again. These private 1:1 conversations can be a good, safe way to develop your skills.
But this list is just the start. You’ll probably bring specific requests and questions to sessions that will keep these sessions rich and practical.
I think of you as a "Thought Partner." Remembering our call a few weeks ago, you always show up ready to play with new ideas, bring in your own thoughts and experiences, and toss around what-ifs. You engage creatively and analytically. You also bring relevant history and current events into the discussion, which I find a rare attribute. You're an honest and thoughtful sounding board. You offer critique of the idea while honoring the intention behind it.