Rick Maurer, author of Beyond the Wall of Resistance and other books on leadership and change, developed the Energy Bar™ as a free tool to help people in organizations get their ideas across in ways that get people committed and engaged. RickRick has advised leaders from many countries on ways to apply this new tool successfully.


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New Google Slides Feature Helps Turn Dry Presentations Into Conversations

New Google Slides Feature Helps Turn Dry Presentations Into Conversations

Do you have a presentation coming up? Google just made it easier to engage with your audience.

Too many presentations are dry one-way affairs, with obligatory Q&A at the end of the drone fest. Here is a very simple way to turn a dry presentation into a conversation. Google Slides now allows people in the audience to ask questions using their handheld devices. The speaker receives these questions in real-time.

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3-Ws and an H: The Fountain of Youth for Your Dying Meetings

3-Ws and an H: The Fountain of Youth for Your Dying Meetings

Have you ever participated in a meeting that seemed to have no direction or purpose?

How was the energy in the room? 

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How Involving Your Audience Makes Presenting Easier and More Effective

How Involving Your Audience Makes Presenting Easier and More Effective

"Most meetings are a waste of time and energy."

If you agree with that statement, then you might find this article useful.

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The Energy Bar: A leadership tool to shift energy from resistance to support

The Energy Bar: A leadership tool to shift energy from resistance to support

I was working with a group of very bright technical experts on their strategies for building support for change. Lots of big words and lots of concepts being thrown around. We were all getting confused - and I do this for a living.

I stopped them, and said,” Look, it’s just energy. It’s either moving this way (toward support) or that way (into resistance).”

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